
Examples API

Attributes and Properties #

Property Attribute Type Default Description checked checked boolean false disabled disabled boolean false Disable this control. It will not receive focus or events emphasized emphasized boolean false indeterminate indeterminate boolean false invalid invalid boolean false name name string | undefined readonly readonly boolean false

Slots #

Name Description default slot content to display as the label for the Checkbox

Events #

Name Type Description change Event Announces a change in the `checked` property of a Checkbox

Description #

<sp-checkbox> allow users to select multiple items from a list of independent options, or to mark an individual option as selected.

Should I use a checkbox or a switch? Use a switch when activating something instead of selecting.

Usage #

See it on NPM! How big is this package in your project? Try it on webcomponents.dev

yarn add @spectrum-web-components/checkbox

Import the side effectful registration of <sp-checkbox> via:

import '@spectrum-web-components/checkbox/sp-checkbox.js';

When looking to leverage the Checkbox base class as a type and/or for extension purposes, do so via:

import { Checkbox } from '@spectrum-web-components/checkbox';

Sizes #

    <sp-checkbox size="s">Small</sp-checkbox>
    <sp-checkbox size="s" checked>Small Checked</sp-checkbox>
    <sp-checkbox size="s" indeterminate>Small Indeterminate</sp-checkbox>
    <sp-checkbox size="m">Medium</sp-checkbox>
    <sp-checkbox size="m" checked>Medium Checked</sp-checkbox>
    <sp-checkbox size="m" indeterminate>Medium Indeterminate</sp-checkbox>
    <sp-checkbox size="l">Large</sp-checkbox>
    <sp-checkbox size="l" checked>Large Checked</sp-checkbox>
    <sp-checkbox size="l" indeterminate>Large Indeterminate</sp-checkbox>
Extra Large
    <sp-checkbox size="xl">Extra Large</sp-checkbox>
    <sp-checkbox size="xl" checked>Extra Large Checked</sp-checkbox>
    <sp-checkbox size="xl" indeterminate>Extra Large Indeterminate</sp-checkbox>

Variants #

Standard checkboxes #

Standard checkboxes are the default style for checkboxes. They are optimal for application panels where all visual elements are monochrome in order to direct focus to the content.

<div style="display: flex; justify-content: space-between;">
    <div style="display: flex; flex-direction: column;">
        <h4 class="spectrum-Heading--subtitle1">Default</h4>
        <sp-checkbox>Web component</sp-checkbox>
        <sp-checkbox checked>Web component</sp-checkbox>
        <sp-checkbox indeterminate>Web component</sp-checkbox>

    <div style="display: flex; flex-direction: column;">
        <h4 class="spectrum-Heading--subtitle1">Invalid</h4>
        <sp-checkbox invalid>Web component</sp-checkbox>
        <sp-checkbox checked invalid>Web component</sp-checkbox>
        <sp-checkbox indeterminate invalid>Web component</sp-checkbox>

    <div style="display: flex; flex-direction: column;">
        <h4 class="spectrum-Heading--subtitle1">Disabled</h4>
        <sp-checkbox disabled>Web component</sp-checkbox>
        <sp-checkbox checked disabled>Web component</sp-checkbox>
        <sp-checkbox indeterminate disabled>Web component</sp-checkbox>

Emphasized checkboxes #

Emphasized checkboxes are a secondary style for checkboxes. The blue color provides a visual prominence that is optimal for forms, settings, lists or grids of assets, etc. where the checkboxes need to be noticed.

<div style="display: flex; justify-content: space-between;">
    <div style="display: flex; flex-direction: column; justify-content: space-between;">
        <h4 class="spectrum-Heading--subtitle1">Default</h4>
        <sp-checkbox emphasized>Web component</sp-checkbox>
        <sp-checkbox emphasized checked>Web component</sp-checkbox>
        <sp-checkbox emphasized indeterminate>Web component</sp-checkbox>

    <div style="display: flex; flex-direction: column;">
        <h4 class="spectrum-Heading--subtitle1">Invalid</h4>
        <sp-checkbox emphasized invalid>Web component</sp-checkbox>
        <sp-checkbox emphasized checked invalid>Web component</sp-checkbox>
        <sp-checkbox emphasized indeterminate invalid>Web component</sp-checkbox>

    <div style="display: flex; flex-direction: column;">
        <h4 class="spectrum-Heading--subtitle1">Disabled</h4>
        <sp-checkbox emphasized disabled>Web component</sp-checkbox>
        <sp-checkbox emphasized checked disabled>Web component</sp-checkbox>
        <sp-checkbox emphasized indeterminate disabled>Web component</sp-checkbox>

Handling events #

Event handlers for clicks and other user actions can be registered on an <sp-checkbox> as they would a standard <input type="checkbox"> element.

    onclick="spAlert(this, '<sp-radio> clicked!')"
    Web component

Accessibility #

Checkboxes are accessible by default, rendered in HTML using the <input type="checkbox"> element. When the checkbox is set as indeterminate or invalid, the appropriate ARIA state attribute will automatically be applied.