loadURL() Sample

This page gives a few examples of how to use the Spry.Utils.loadURL() to send "GET" and "POST" requests to the server. The Spry.Utils.loadURL() function is currently located in SpryData.js, so before you use it, you must include it:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">


<script src="../../includes/SpryData.js" type="text/javascript"></script>



Before proceeding any further, let's take a look at the arguments for the loadURL function:

var req = Spry.Utils.loadURL = function(method, url, async, callback, opts);

The arguments are as follows:

The return value of loadURL is an object of type Spry.Utils.loadURL.Request. This is the same object that will be past into any callbacks you've passed into loadURL. The fields in this object look just like options you pass into loadURL, but it also contains fields that contain the arguments passed into the loadURL call.

Here's a list of the properties on the Request object.

Now that we know all about loadURL, lets take a look at a few sample calls.

Example: Simple "GET" request with no callback.

In this example we just want to do an asynchronous "GET" request, but we don't care about the results, so we don't register a callback.

var req = Spry.Utils.loadURL("GET", "/app/book.php?id=1&code=54321", true);

Example: "GET" request with callback.

In this example, we want to show an alert if the request completes successfully.

function MySuccessCallback(req)
  alert(req.url + " completed successfully!");


var req = Spry.Utils.loadURL("GET", "/app/book.php?id=1&code=54321", true, MySuccessCallback);

Example: "GET" request with user-defined data passed to the callback function.

function MySuccessCallback(req)
  // Throw an alert with the message that was
  // passed to us via the userData.

  alert("SUCCESS: " + req.userData.msg);


// Create some data to be sent along with the request.
// This really can be anything you want, but I'm going to
// use an object.

var myObj = new Object;
myObj.msg = "Hello World";

var req = Spry.Utils.loadURL("GET", "/app/book.php?id=1&code=54321", true, MySuccessCallback, { userData: myObj });

Example: "POST" request with no callback.

var req = Spry.Utils.loadURL("POST", "/app/book.php?id=1&code=54321", true, null, { postData: "action=update&genre=fiction", headers: { "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8" } });

Example: "POST" request with user-defined data passed to the callback and errorCallback functions.

function MySuccessCallback(req)
  // Throw an alert with the message that was
  // passed to us via the userData.

  alert("SUCCESS: " + req.userData.msg);

function MyErrorCallback(req)
  // Throw an alert with the message that was
  // passed to us via the userData.

  alert("ERROR: " + req.userData.msg);


// Create some data to be sent along with the request.
// This really can be anything you want, but I'm going to
// use an object.

var myObj = new Object;
myObj.msg = "Hello World";

var req = Spry.Utils.loadURL("POST", "/app/book.php?id=1&code=54321", true, MySuccessCallback, { postData: "action=update&genre=fiction", headers: { "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8" }, errorCallback: MyErrorCallback });